Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Behold the sea, splendid and strong, yet beautiful as the rose or the rainbow; full of food, nourisher of man, purger of the world, creating a sweet climate."

On the western side of America there is a great ocean, the Pacific Ocean. On the eastern side is the mighty Atlantic Ocean. Oceans have salt water and are constantly in motion with great waves.

North of North America, in the intensely cold region, is the Arctic Ocean. Great masses of ice called icebergs and ice floes are floating through this ocean.

Far south of South America is the Antarctic Ocean. It does not touch South America. It too is in a cold part of the world.

South of India, nestled between Africa and Australia, is the Indian Ocean.

Notebook Work: Label the top of your notebook page with "LESSON 18." Sketch the continents of the globe, color the ocean water blue, and label the oceans with their names. Label the map with the directions of north, east, south, and west.

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